Thursday, May 28, 2020

Top Interviewing Skills to Use In Job Interviews

Top Interviewing Skills to Use In Job Interviews 566 8 soft skills you need to have and show for interviewers. This is a guest post by Paula R. Stern. There are many skills that can help you land a job. Some of them are practical, market-related skills such as knowing a certain tool, language, or industry. And then there are the “soft” skills, related more to personality, performance, and attitude. In honor of the 8th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest, here are the top eight “soft” skills that you not only need to have, but need to show during your brief interview.eval Free bonus: The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need is a handy reference to help you prepare for any kind of job interview. Download it free now 8 soft interview skills you need to have and show 1) The ability to be on time If you can’t make it to the interview on time, it is thought that you won’t be able to arrive on time for work, that you are lax and perhaps just a bit too laid back for their needs. Get to the location approximately 10 minutes before the interview is to begin. Better to be early than late! Go to the bathroom before you get there and be ready to begin the interview.eval 2) Show interest in what the company does If you are going to be hired by these people, they want to see that you are interested not just in getting hired, but in the company itself. When you get to the office and they point to a reception area, sit down and see if there are any company-related materials nearby. Often, the company will put out company brochures or profiles. Pick them up and read them â€" and if you like, even ask if you can take one with you. Don’t spend those few minutes checking your phone or tablet â€" this shows you are not focused on them. 3) Do the research before you go to the company â€" and show that you’ve done it! Almost every company has a website. Read what the company has to say about themselves and if you can fit it into the interview, mention that while you were reading some of the website pages, you thought… [whatever]. Google the company and read what others are saying as well. If the company just had a massive layoff, you should know that before you go. One of our longest standing clients (fourteen years and counting), had just laid off more than 90% of its staff. But they were dedicated to rebuilding, and rebuild they did. So layoffs may not be a sign that the company is shutting down, but still, it is something you should know about. Skim the list of who is on the management team. If the CEO of the company takes the time to walk in the room, you should know it is the CEO. Sometimes an interviewer will simply introduce people by their first names and not identify their titles â€" if you’ve done your research, the names alone may trigger your memory. 4) Be friendly While interviews are quite formal in the United States and elsewhere, in Israel, interviews tend to be more friendly and informal. They might ask you about your family, how you like the town where you live, etc. Here you have to find the “perfect” blend during which you share some information of a personal nature without overdoing it. And understand that during this period, they are still gathering facts â€" how you respond, how open you are, how much time outside work hours you can expected to be required to deal with stressful situations and how much those situations might impact on your job. As friendly as it seems, there is still a purpose to these first few moments. Not even for a second do they forget why you are there; you shouldn’t either. 5) Know what to share and what not to share As much as we’d like to think that we have succeeded in leveling the interviewing field and all applicants are equal, the fact is that we all come with baggage and how we show or hide that baggage will leave a lasting impression (i.e. get you the job or convince them that you aren’t suited for it). You want to share any experience you have to the job you for which you are applying. Perhaps you never did any technical writing, but you were involved in training, have a medical background, worked as a marketing writer â€" these will show experience and related skills. At the same time, for each of us, there are things that we want to avoid mentioning. For all that this may be considered sexist, a woman who speaks too much about her children may be considered someone who will readily take time off rather than seek alternate child care solutions. Once you have the job, most companies will be very accommodating for those times when you need to see to your child; but before you get the job, they only want hear about how dedicated you will be to them and to the job. For someone with elderly, dependent parents, telling the company that your parents are having trouble adjusting and they often call you to assist them, makes the company think that you will always be putting the needs of others before the needs of the company. 6) Show that you prefer stability If you typically stay in a job for many years at a time, make sure that you mention this during the interview. If you typically hop between jobs, decide whether this is something you prefer or something that has happened as a result of circumstances beyond your control. If you would prefer to stay long term with one company â€" mention this in the interview. Companies prefer not to invest energy and efforts to hire people, only to have to expend that same time and energy then training a new person because you decided to leave a few months later. Unless it is an absolute lie, try to give the interviewer the sense that you are as interested in being hired as they are in hiring you. 7) Don’t be rude Whatever they ask, no matter how personal, even if you refuse to answer, be polite. Answer politely and directly. If you are missing one of the key requirements they requested, try to address this rather than hide it. “Although I don’t have the 5 years experience you requested, I thought that given my previous experience….” If they are late in meeting with you, go with the flow and don’t be annoyed. Don’t answer your phone during an interview. If you forgot to shut the phone before the interview and it rings, pick it up, apologize, and turn the phone off or silence it. Ideally, close it so that the person won’t call right back and put you in a more awkward position. Conversely, if the person who is interviewing you gets a phone call (even one that is clearly a personal call), don’t be insulted, don’t show any impatience. 8) Keep your answers focused and to the point In many cases, the company has a set list of questions they want answered. Be direct. Be concise. Give them the information they want without a lot of information they did not request. If you stop talking, they may well ask another question. Flip side, don’t be too short in your answers. If you only offer single word responses, they certainly won’t hire you. Free Bonus If you want a handy job interview resource that you can keep on your smartphone or print out for easy reference, I’ve got a special bonus for you. This free download contains: 165 positive personality adjectives to describe yourself 444 of the most popular job interviewer questions to prepare yourself with 175 questions that you can ask in job interviews to make a good impression and learn about your future employer Click the image below to get access to The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need: JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free! About the Author Paula R. Stern is the CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company serving the Israel, US and European markets for 19 years. She lives with her husband and children in Israel and teaches technical writing, marketing writing, social media, etc. at the WritePoint Training Center in Jerusalem. Her corporate website is and you can follow her on Twitter at @writepoint and on LinkedIn at This article was part of the The $11K 8th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contest. READ NEXT: 6 Standout Job Interview Tips From A Professional Interviewer

Monday, May 25, 2020

Say No to Negativity 7 Scientifically Proven Tips to Keep Negative Thoughts Away - Classy Career Girl

Say No to Negativity 7 Scientifically Proven Tips to Keep Negative Thoughts Away Have you ever been paralyzed with fear while thinking the worst is yet to happen? One day, you were all cheerful and merry when you suddenly had one negative thought. It doesn’t even need to be a big deal â€"it could be something you said behind someone’s back or hearing the news someone got into an accident. Before you know it, you just can’t shake off the feeling that you are in extreme danger. The fear becomes so real you feel your heart racing and it seems to be the end of the world. Negative thoughts become monsters under the bed. Sometimes those monsters grow so big they eat you whole. I’ve had my fair share of struggling with negative thoughts. It may be  challenging, but there’s actually a way out of that vicious cycle. Do you struggle with negative thoughts often? Here are 7 tips that worked for me and which might work for you too. Say No to Negativity: 7 Scientifically Proven Tips to Keep Negative Thoughts Away 1. Learn to Banish Bad Thoughts Through Socratic Questioning Most of us are better at giving advice to our friends than in actually applying our counsel to ourselves. Ironic but true. When you feel overwhelmed by the negativity in your head, Socrates’ way could be what you need. The father of Western Philosophy’s Socratic questioning was proven to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression. What does this therapeutic method involve? First off, you need to think that your thoughts are actually a friend’s concern and not yours. Since you are intimately familiar with the issue, what advice could you possibly give your pal? By contemplating about your thoughts as a friend, you may have a more realistic way of viewing the situation. While this may be hard to do at first, doing this exercise frees you up from a lot of worries. 2. Move Your Body, Groove to an Aerobic Exercise Routine When you are breaking a sweat while doing aerobic exercise, it’s easier to keep negativity at bay. Working out is among the best methods to distract you from having dysfunctional thoughts. A study conducted on depressed students supported the theory linking exercise to reduced depression. Aside from helping you shake away destructive thoughts, exercise has tons of health benefits too. For all you know, daily exercise might just be what you need to steer clear of your pessimism. 3. Get Up and Walk Through the Door While ruminating, I heard some noise outside and had to check what happened on the other side of the door. To my surprise, getting back on track of my destructive thinking was harder to do afterward. It turns out psychologists have also associated doorways with purging thoughts â€"any thought, to be exact. In one experiment conducted in a virtual environment by the University of Notre Dame, participants found it harder to remember the objects they were carrying after passing through a doorway. The same study was repeated in a laboratory. The conclusion from these studies was the same â€"walking through the doorway makes you more forgetful than traveling the same distance in one room. Next time you are struggling with a negative thought, get up and try walking through some doorways. [RELATED: 10 Quick Stress-Relief Strategies for a Crazy Schedule] 4. Counting Your Blessings is Not Just a Good Way to Fall Asleep When was the last time you made a mental list of all the things you are grateful for? If it was so long you couldn’t recall, it might be why you are attracting negative thoughts. Your gratitude for all the awesome things that happened to you has a huge impact on your mental state. Research on gratefulness was conducted by two psychologists, University of California’s Dr. Robert A. Emmons and University of Miami’s Dr. Michael E. McCullough. The findings from the research revealed those who expressed gratitude regularly were more optimistic and had to visit their physicians less than those who wrote about the things that aggravated them. When you are getting caught in a negative thought process, injecting some gratitude could just be what you need. Don’t just be thankful when you are depressed, make it a habit. There are many ways to express how grateful you are. Here’s some you can try: Say “thank you” more often Write letters of gratitude List all your blessings mentally and in a journal Make time for praying or meditation 5. Dont Suppress Your Emotions Suppression is never an effective tool in preventing you from ruminating and obsessing on cynical thoughts. Negative thoughts can catch you unaware. But forcing yourself to forget thinking about negative thoughts can backfire â€"you might end up thinking the same thing more with greater intensity each time. Research also revealed that people who block negative thoughts regularly stress more than the average person. What should you do instead of blocking negativity in your life? Instead of trying to forget, accept your emotions. To help you relax, take deep breaths. If you ever feel overwhelmed, pour your feelings out by confiding to a friend or writing on a journal. If you decide to write it down, you can tear up the page to millions of pieces once you finish. Doing this can make you’re a lot better since you have vented out your negative feelings. 6. Stay Away from Negative Company Negativity is contagious. If you are always in the company of people who obsess about trifles, you are more likely to suffer from constant attacks of negativity. The University of Notre Dame published an interesting study highlighting the effect of a person’s social environment. Based on their research involving first-year students, those who hung around people with adaptive cognitive style found it easier to get used to life on campus. While the sample was limited, there is one clear message here â€"you need to be wary of the people you surround yourself with. If you hang out with people who encourage negativity all the time, it’s time to break ties with those people. Positive people are better for improving your own mental state. 7. Do an Activity Which Requires Brain Power Negative thoughts attack you when you are the most comfortable. Once the brain’s habit center kicks into gear, you are using less mental energy to finish a task. This is also a time when you are most vulnerable. When you detect those negative thoughts creeping in, you need to take action right away and switch to a challenging task. It doesn’t matter which task you perform as long as it is something which will require your full concentration. It is important to switch to this new task right away since it becomes harder to throw your thoughts out of the window once they have grabbed ahold of you. Negative thoughts come in trickles first but the longer you fight them off, the more obsessive the thoughts become. Overcoming Negativity Negative thoughts may seem to be destructive especially when you start obsessing. But they are there for a reason. These thoughts you hate having can sharpen your survival instincts. Of course, you need to strike the right balance of negative and positive thoughts, to function properly. Negative thoughts strike you irrespective or gender or status. When you are with someone, some relationship advice might help you out during those bouts of sadness. Remember, having zero negative thoughts is impossible. This doesn’t mean there’s no workaround, there’s always something you can do. Kick negativity out of your system before it becomes a habit. If you’re out of ideas on how to do it on your own, try any or all of these seven techniques.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Be nimble and creative to grow a career in The Conceptual Age

Be nimble and creative to grow a career in The Conceptual Age As thousands of U.S. companies ship jobs to other countries, the resounding response from young people is, Who cares? I wouldnt want one of those jobs anyway. To the new U.S. workforce many of those jobs look boring, routine and uncreative the equivalent of a manufacturing job to a baby boomer. Kris Helenek is a software engineer at Student Universe, an online travel resource for students. Hes not particularly worried about losing his job to someone in, say, India, because hes involved in discussions concerning product features something difficult to outsource to someone lacking a deep understanding of the customer. But what about his future? Helenek says, Im confident that Ill always be innovative enough and skillful enough that people will want to hire me. We are entering a new age in economic history, and it will elevate those who are nimble and creative. When we moved from industrial economy to the information economy, jobs became more interesting; coal miners were unemployed, tech support centers hired like mad, and secretaries became small-time database operators. Now were in the early stages of the conceptual age in which data will be less important than creativity, and jobs will be more fulfilling. Daniel Pink presents this one-minute economic history in his book, A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. He says, Key abilities will not be high tech but high touch, and we will value the ability to make meaning and connections in a world where information is a commodity. According to Pink, the people who will do best in this economy are those who dont just take and give orders but also move smoothly between boundaries, like the technical guru who understands marketing or the accountant who speaks four languages. But, Pink warns, you cannot get a move-smoothly-between-boundaries aptitude test, so a lot of this is about self-discovery. Here are some traits you need to develop to do well in the conceptual age: Empathy. Think emotional intelligence on steroids. The most empathetic people have the ability to see an issue from many different perspectives. And work that can be done without infused empathy begs to be outsourced. Aesthetic eye. Pink says, Design sense has become a form of business literacy like learning to use Microsoft Excel. Smart business people should start reading design magazines. Ability to negotiate and navigate. The conceptual age will be filled with possibilities that point to no single truth. Pink says, People must learn to do something that is not routine, that doesnt have a right answer. Bottom line: Youll have to be creative to stay employed. But really, who doesnt want to be creative? Its inherently more rewarding to be creative than to be an information drone. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at the Claremont Graduate University and author of Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, says that, Being creative is a way in which life becomes richer. But if you want to be creative you must learn to do something well. You need to learn a set of skills, and then, once you feel comfortable you can ask yourself how you can make it better. Those with no patience for methodically developing a special talent, pay heed: Innovation without a good knowledge in that area is not creativity but dilettantism. Not that dabbling in topics you know nothing about isnt fun, but that lifestyle will not create the kind of value that allows you to flourish in this new economy. To find what you love to do, Csikszentmihalyi recommends exploration. A richer life is one in which you have access to different aspects of the world. Sure, you need to find your talents to figure out where you will put your creative energy. But Pink reminds, Failure is a part of mastery. So give yourself room for missteps. This is good news for Helenek. He invested in Boston-area real estate as a way to hedge his technical career. He planned to live in half his duplex and rent out the other half. But after the deal closed a pipe burst, and now Helenek is working on a fixer-upper. Tough work, but the good news is you cant outsource floor sanding to India.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

4 Ways to Find Your Freelance Community - Classy Career Girl

4 Ways to Find Your Freelance Community Working as a full-time freelancer or as a solopreneur has its perks: you have a lot more control over your schedule, what projects you decide to take on, and even where your office is for the day. But all that flexibility and freedom does pose a challenge: not having a manager to report to or a team to check in with also means having no built-in support system to bounce ideas off of and learn from. Flying professionally solo can easily become an isolating career path and can prove to be ultimately unsustainable. If you want to successfully continue your line of work, it’s important to surround yourself with a community. Luckily, there are several ways you can do so. 4 Ways to Find Your Freelance Community 1. Join Organizations There are tons of professional organizations out there to consider, from informal meetups to international organizations with local chapters. You may consider beginning by looking up what organizations related to your field are in your city. Then, pick just one or two to get involved in. By limiting the number of groups you join, you’re allowing yourself to invest more time in them and, ideally, get more out of them. If you pick too many, chances are you won’t be able to serve as an active member in any of them. There are plenty of compelling reasons to join an organization. For one, you are surrounding yourself with people to share ideas with, learn about news and best practices in your field, and grow your network. Depending on your experience, you can also potentially find a mentor or even serve as a guide to others. If you don’t find an organization that feels like the right fit for you, don’t be afraid to start your own. Being the organizer of a group does not mean you have to be the most experienced in your field. You’re not serving as a leader, but rather as a facilitator to bring like-minded people together. 2. Look into Online Communities While it’s always nice to have in-person connections with people, don’t overlook online communities as valuable resources and a great place to network. We’re not talking about sites like Yahoo! Answers or Quora, although they can be helpful in finding answers to your one-off questions. Rather, we’re talking about online spaces that are specific to a professional field where you can go to really talk shop (whatever your proverbial shop may be). When looking for an online community, you may start by seeing if a dominant tool in your industry curates one. For example, digital marketers may consider becoming part of the Moz Community, a forum supported by the marketing software company that regularly hosts webinars, a QA database, and regular in-person events and annual thought leadership conference. [RELATED: The 7 Best Freelance Careers] 3. Consider a Co-Working Space Co-working spaces are all the rage these days, with companies like WeWork expanding rapidly to meet the demands of rising startups. Not only do these spaces give you an “office” where you can host meetings with clients, but they also often provide a wealth of resources and networking opportunities for its members, from professional workshops to even workout classes at its New York offices. If you’re tired of your home office or rotation of coffee shops, it may be worth considering a membership to a co-working space in your area. There are several different models out there, with some merely providing a desk where you can focus on getting to work each day, to those who encourage collaboration among its members. Most, you’ll find, offer regular socials and events to help foster a community. 4. Make the First Move Whatever step you decide to take in developing your professional community, don’t be afraid to make the first move. It could be as simple as messaging someone on LinkedIn whose work you’re familiar with or serves a familiar role in your field. Asking them out to a cup of coffee can go a long way in starting a network. By reaching out to one person, you’re one step closer to connecting with their contacts, and so on. And even if that professional relationship doesn’t end up working out, they may still have different resources and suggestions to share that will help you find your way. Another thing to remember is not to give up. Chances are that’s not really a habit of yours after all, getting to a point where you work by yourself probably took a lot of hard work and setbacks that you saw through. Creating your own community is not as easy as having one given to you at a company, but just like all the other perks of working for yourself, consider it a freedom to form the ideal support system that serves you best.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Skills That will Make Your Marketing Resume Soar to The Top

5 Skills That will Make Your Marketing Resume Soar to The Top Do I need to say at this point that the job market is competitive?If you’ve graduated college and are looking for your first “adult job,” then I’m sure you already know that.evalThe field of marketing encompasses a vast variety of job titles and descriptions. That said, it’s important to train yourself to be well-rounded in terms of marketing skills. And I’m telling you this because so often people don’t do it.Rather, they focus hard on one aspect of marketing and don’t take time to learn a different trade. If you teach yourself about more than just your focus skill The art of creating a great physical appearance in advertising is very important, and now days Photoshop is more or less the universal standard.Adobe offers a free month-long Photoshop trial, and if you’re disciplined you can learn a lot in that month. Additionally there are some great online classes and YouTube tutorials you might want to seek out, as it’s not the easiest program to get a hang of.But again, it’s the industry standard, and every company needs advertising. Every company has to make some last minute changes sometimes too, and you should be a viable option for that job should it come up and a designer is out of commission.eval“But other people know how to do this, in fact a lot of people do!” you might be saying. I understand where you’re coming from, so let me throw another curve ball at you.Say you’re in charge of a marketing campaign and you have to consult with an advertising designer. How much more quickly and efficient will it be if you know how to speak their language? I have found it much easier to network with designers too, if you at least have an inside idea of how they do their job.2. Excel ExperienceOne of the most sought after areas of expertise and experience I found in the job hunt was being able to use Microsoft Excel. Furthermore, I end up using the program quite a bit â€" every day even.And I’m not handling numbers or finances, either. This skill is invaluable because Excel is so close to the heart of many jobs and so many people don’t know how to use it.evalIf I was a high school teacher, I would make sure my students knew how to use it before getting to college, even. If you don’t have the money for Microsoft Office you can learn on Google Drive Even if you’re not going to be doing public relations, having networking credibility gives your potential employers something valuable they can use you for should they need to. In other words, you become more of an asset the more connected you are.4. Business Strategy ExperienceIn my college business capstone, we were required to put together a business plan for a fake business as a group project. Personally, I did the accounting, and I severely messed it up for our presentation. While this was embarrassing, I learned a lot. And as well, the fact that I worked on a business plan at all has sometimes come up in interviews.Many business capstone and undergraduate cl asses require something like this. However, maybe yours didn’t. If that’s the case, I recommend doing your own research on how to put together a detailed business plan. Highlight the marketing strategy, as that is the field you’re going into. Then I would say it’s time for you to look into an internship.5. Internship ExperienceevalI did not do an internship before leaving college, but I really wish I had. In fact, when my sister called to ask me if she should add an internship onto her extremely busy schedule, I told her it was essential. I know what you’re thinking.“Aren’t internships usually unpaid?” Yes, internships often do not pay monetarily. However, they often offer a great experience and are a major asset in the job search.evalSee, with an internship listed on your resume, you will be able to demonstrate to employers that you haven’t just learned how to do the tasks required of you, but that you have already done them before. Basically, they allow you to te ll potential employers that you can do a job better than other applicants by sheer merit.You have experience. And most of the college grads they have applying do not. So don’t overlook unpaid work, if you can afford it. It is totally worth your time and no money now can mean a lot of money in the future.What did you do to make your resume stick out? What unusual skills did you employ to make yourself a wanted hire? Let us know in the comments.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Salvage Your Business

Salvage Your Business You might have put your lifes work into your business, but what do you think you’re getting out if it? If you’re reading this article, we’ll put our money on the fact that you’re not getting very far at all with it! We know how much it will cost you to let your business go, and we know that most of you will be considering packing it all in as the easy option. However, we can assure you that we know a few ways that you can easily salvage your business. All you need to do is put in some hard work, have a lot of perseverance, and salvage your business before it is all too late! Here are our top tips, let us know if any of them work for you! A Rebrand If you’re a well established business, then going in for a rebrand is one big ordeal that will take months, possibly even a year or more to sort. But, for a smaller company, a rebrand isn’t exactly as hard as you might think, and it gives you the exciting possibility of being able to start fresh. But, if you’re going to go for something as big as this, you’re going to have to address all of the things that aren’t working with your current brand. There’s no point going forward with the same things that have been holding you back already. So, the first thing will be your brand name, or your brand logo. You can keep the name the same, or change it slightly if you want to completely recreate yourself. Then, you need to think about your website, and including high quality, inexpensive graphic design. If your website is poor at the minute, we know for a fact that it’ll be one of the main reasons why your business isn’t performing as it is meant to do. So, the main thing to take away here, is to make sure that you’re creating a brand that’s going to stand out from the crowd, is much better than the one you have, and is going to engage with customers! A New Business Approach Sometimes all you need to do is find a new business approach to get your business back on track. If you’ve been focusing on your sales rather than the marketing side of things, then maybe it’s time to focus a bit more on the marketing to gain the exposure that you need. It’s all about finding where your shortcomings are, and focus on them to make sure that you get the best result for your business. If you’re really struggling to see where you’re going wrong, you could go for the business analyst approach, and have someone check out your business for you! New Products If you’re not getting any sales, there’s going to be two reasons for it. The first being that you aren’t marketing them well enough to bring in the sales, and the second being that your products just aren’t what your customers are looking for. Sometimes, a complete change in the quality and appearance, mixed with some good marketing, is all you need to do to salvage your business from the grave!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Steps to Write an ESL Resume

Steps to Write an ESL ResumeWriting an ESL resume is the first step to getting an online job in a foreign country. This is one of the most important steps that you need to take, as an ESL graduate who has graduated from college would want to find a job in a country that understands English. A graduate from a good college would be eligible for a good job in a foreign country.When you enroll in college, there are chances that you will have to pass through a competitive examination for a chance to get a job in a particular country. In case you fail in your exams, it would mean that you are not eligible for the job that you are trying to get. The best part about an English resume is that it would highlight your abilities and your skill set that would be very good for an ESL graduate. After all, when you apply for a job, you must present yourself to the employers in the best possible way.In fact, the English resume is one of the best ways that you can use. It would be able to show how muc h you have studied and what sort of skills you have picked up while studying English. You can also write a brief outline of what you did during your studies. This way, you can have a better idea about the things that you have to expect when applying for a job.When writing an ESL resume, you need to be able to be concise and to be able to present yourself in a unique way. You should not hesitate to utilize your free time for other things. It would be unprofessional to write a long essay in a certain grammar or style when you are just applying for a job. It would also be unprofessional to write your resume in a tiring way so that you are able to emphasize your knowledge and skills on that particular point.As an ESL graduate, you must be able to sell yourself properly. All ofyour information and your experiences should be on your resume. If you do not mention anything about your qualifications, it would be pretty hard for the employer to see the merits of your application. Be sure to h ighlight your good points and how you are able to match up with the requirements of the job.Writing an ESL resume is not a difficult thing to do. When you complete it, you will have a lot of confidence. This will allow you to write the best possible letters in the future. For instance, if you are looking for an English language teaching job, you must make sure that you create a resume that is very different from other resumes in the market.You can always modify the format of your final letter, which is your resume. Sometimes, when you read through other resumes in the market, you might notice that they are quite similar. You can create your own version of the resume and keep it unique.